Should I Reupholster My Furniture?

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Should I Reupholster My Furniture?

Maybe you have a piece of vintage furniture, like a family heirloom, you can’t imagine parting with. Or maybe your cat has ripped up the fabric on your favorite chair. If you’re considering reupholstering a piece of furniture in your Connecticut home instead of replacing it with something new, there are a couple of things you may want to consider. Here are a few of the questions we like to ask ourselves before going the reupholstery route.

First, what’s your budget for reupholstering?

The first thing to know about reupholstering furniture is that it is not always a cheaper option than replacing it. Depending on what is needed to restore and reupholster the piece, it can cost as much as a new piece of furniture. Knowing your budget before undertaking a reupholstering project is crucial.

Next, what’s the condition of the furniture overall?

Next, the condition of your furniture is an important component. Are you just tired of the fabric? Is it fading, worn, or torn in places? Are the springs in good condition, and is the frame fully intact? The overall condition can take a reupholstering job from an economical option to an expensive chore. This brings us to our next point…

What does the piece of furniture mean to you?

What would you be willing to pay to have a professional reupholster your piece of furniture? The answer depends on what the furniture means to you. Understanding the motivation behind your desire to reupholster will help you know how much it’s worth it to you to do so. Perhaps it’s a vintage piece from an antique store that you love. If your couch was a bargain and the frame is made from particle board and won’t last much longer, reupholstering it may not be worth it. And, of course, there’s always the sustainability angle behind reupholstering, which means you won’t send a couch or a set of dining room chairs into a landfill.

Lastly, do your homework

Last but not least, do your homework. Local reupholstery professionals can discuss with you the best options to stay within your budget. They can recommend fabrics and finishes that fit your lifestyle and provide you with quotes on their work. Many of these independent businesses have been around for decades, so they’ve seen a thing or two. They can offer solutions to the questions that you may have never considered.


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