Energy Conservation

Common Misconceptions About Electricity Usage

Common Misconceptions About Electricity Usage In an effort to lower utility bills or live an environmentally friendly life, many homeowners try to reduce their electricity use. Unfortunately, many homeowners end up wasting electricity due to misunderstandings or misinformation. If you’re making one or more of these mistakes, you might be able to lower your utility bills with a few simple...

Energy Efficiency Tips for the Cooler Months

Energy Efficiency Tips for the Cooler Months When the temperatures dip, your home’s energy condition rises. While higher heating bills during the colder months are inevitable, there are ways you can reduce your household energy consumption while reducing heating bills and still staying cozy, warm and comfortable. Read on for energy tips to keep in mind during the cooler months. Reverse Ceiling...

5 Pool Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

5 Pool Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know It's finally starting to warm up in Connecticut! If your home has a swimming pool, you're likely looking forward to the first swim of the season. There are a few things you must do to keep your swimming pool not only looking its best but also working its best. Here are five useful pool maintenance tips to help you save time and money this summer. Tip...

How Can I Make My Home More Climate-Safe?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can I Make My Home More Climate-Safe? Soaring temps, skyrocketing energy bills, storms that deliver a month’s worth of rain: Climate change is bringing rapid shifts to the doorsteps of our Connecticut homes, but you can take some simple steps to make your home more climate-safe. Here are our favorites–and rest assured, some of them don’t cost a thing (and may save you money,...

How Can Solar Panels Save Money?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can Solar Panels Save Money? Maybe it’s the cost of your utility bill. Or maybe it’s your passion to protect the planet. Whatever your reason for being curious about solar panels, you’ve probably heard that they can save you money on your household bills–and with inflation still being what it is, saving money sounds increasingly more appealing, doesn’t it? Here are a few...

How Can I Calculate My Home’s Electrical Load?

You Ask, We Answer: How Can I Calculate My Home’s Electrical Load?   Whether you currently own a home or are searching for one with your Calcagni Real Estate agent, you’ll need an electrical load that keeps up with your lifestyle. The capacity of our homes to meet our electrical needs has recently come into sharper focus than it probably has in the past, and it’s helpful to know how your...

How Do I Winterize My Home?

Image courtesy of Denver Urban Renewal Authority You Ask, We Answer: How Do I Winterize My Home? We may be enjoying some unseasonably warm weather in Connecticut this week, but Novem-ber is well underway—and that means it’s only a matter of time before that New England chill settles in, reminding us of its arrival through every drafty door and window. As Connecticut’s leading independent real...

Last Call for Energy Efficiency Homeowner Tax Credits

The Alliance to Save Energy urges American consumers to give themselves the gift of energy efficiency this holiday season—and reap the benefits when they file their 2011 federal tax returns—by taking advantage of tax credits for energy efficiency home improvements. The tax credits of up to $500 are set to expire on December 31, and Congress may not renew them for 2012. "The outlook for renewal of...

My Earth Day T-Shirt

As you may probably know, Earth Day is officially on Wednesday, April 22. I was thinking about what this day really signifies, and it brought me back to my first real experience and awareness of 'Earth Day'. Flash back to over 12 years ago, when I was still a college student, I recall annual events on campus commemorating this day. I did not think too much about it at the time, despite having a general...

Everyday Energy Saving Tips

Every once in awhile we need reminders that we all have, what I would call "ghost energy drains." You know what they are, but we all forget about them, which is why I refer to them as the "ghost energy drains."  Such items include toaster ovens, portable microwave ovens, dryers, hair dryers, computers, printers, fax machines, cell phone chargers, even electric toothbrush chargers all "drain" our...

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