
Home Safety Tips for Halloween

Home Safety Tips for Halloween Halloween is right around the corner, and with it comes excited, sugared-up children quickly coming and going. Ensuring your home’s entryway is safe and well-let can welcome groups of trick-or-treaters and lessen the risk of preventable accidents or injuries. Read on for how you can ensure your home is ready to welcome your neighborhood’s local ghosts and goblins...

How and When to Refresh a Child’s Bedroom

How and When to Refresh a Child's Bedroom As your child grows and changes, so will their interests and style. Adjusting their bedroom to reflect their evolving interests and abilities will give them a comfortable place to rest and recharge. Read on for how and when to refresh a child's bedroom. Knowing When to Refresh The most apparent reason to refresh your child's bedroom is if they have...

5 Pool Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

5 Pool Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Know It's finally starting to warm up in Connecticut! If your home has a swimming pool, you're likely looking forward to the first swim of the season. There are a few things you must do to keep your swimming pool not only looking its best but also working its best. Here are five useful pool maintenance tips to help you save time and money this summer. Tip...

You Ask, We Answer: How can I Emotionally Prepare my Children to Move?

You Ask, We Answer: How can I Emotionally Prepare my Children to Move? We understand it best; moving can be a challenge. Packing up everything you own, trying to stay organized, and managing the purchase or sale of your home are just a few reasons why many people dread moving. For parents, the stress of moving is multiplied by the emotional impact on children. While your Calcagni agent is there to help...

Smart Kids’ Rooms that Grow with Time

(Family Features)—Costs for furnishing and decorating a child’s room can mount quickly, but with careful planning and a few smart purchases, the decisions you make for that nursery or toddler’s room can create a functional and clutter-free space that grows with your child well into the teen years....

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